Health IT

Health IT

  • Health Information Technology involves the systems that support the care and well-being of people. Dr. Wisniewski’s research in health IT focuses on end-user technologies to support patient-centered care, as well as assistive technologies for caregivers.


  • Peyton, T., Wisniewski, P. (2019) “Improving a Design Space: Pregnancy as a Collaborative Information and Social Support Ecology” In the Proceedings of the 2019 Future of Information and Communications Conference (FICC 2019), San Francisco, CA.


  • Wisniewski, P., Linton, C., Chokshi, A., Perlingieri, B., Gurupur, V., and Gabriel, M.(2018) “We Have Built It, But They Have Not Come: Examining the Adoptionand Use of Assistive Technologies for Informal Family Caregivers” In the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomic (AHFE 2018), Orlando, FL.
  • Ghosh, A.K., Aljallad, Z., Badillo-Urquiola, K., and Wisniewski, P. (2018) “Carebit: A Privacy-Preserving ‘Step’ Toward Remote Informal Caregiving,” Poster presented at the 2018 ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP 2018), Sanibel Island, FL.


  • Clark, S., Elswick, S., Gabriel, M., Gurupur, V., Wisniewski, P. (2016) “A Patient-Centered Perspective of Health Information Systems that Support Post-Acute Care,” Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 20(1), pp. 95-110. doi: 10.3233/jid-2016-0008


  • Pardue, H., Campbell, A., Campbell, M., and Wisniewski, P. (2014) “Mission Impossible? Putting the Patient Back in Patient Care,” Communications of the Association of Information Systems, 34(19).