How to Order Gift Cards

How to Order Gift Cards

A step-by-step guide on how to order gift cards for your research participants and complete the reconciliation process.

Organize Your Dropbox Folders & Prepare Forms

Request Gift Cards

There is a possibility to apply for pre-approved gift cards. Remember that you should not buy more gift cards than you can spend in 30 days. For additional details, email PCard ( to request it, otherwise go to the step Prepare Application Form.

Prepare Application Form
  • Open the GiftCard_PO_41-996 (PDF) form
  • Fill out the following fields:
    • Submission Date: Date of the application submission
    • Prepared By: Pamela Wisniewski
    • Phone: 814-441-0937
    • Vendor Name: (if you are requesting Amazon gift cards)
    • Department/Project #: Ask Pam for an account number (it should be known)
    • Project Period: Project period based on your study start and end dates in IRB protocol
    • IRB End Date: End date of your study in IRB protocol
    • Estimated Cost of Gift Cards: Total cost of gift cards (e.g., $400)
    • Quantity and Price: Quantity and price of gift cards (e.g., 20 gift cards and $20 price per gift card)
    • Total and Grand Total will be automatically calculated (make sure Grand Total matches Quantity x Price)
    • Purpose of Gift Cards: Compensating participants for taking part in a study
  • Send the application form via email to Pam ( to get her signature/approval
  • Screenshot email from Pam with the signed application form and save it as a PDF file
  • Save the signed application form and a screenshot in the Gift Cards folder for your project

NOTE: All signed forms should be saved in the Dropbox Gift Cards folder for your project.

Submit Request Online
  • Go to
  • Sign in via UCF to access an online form
  • Fill out the following form fields and press Submit Order Request:
    • Requester: Your full name (if you are the requester)
    • Email Address: Your email address (if you are the requester)
    • Requesting for: Pamela Wisniewski
    • Attach Faculty/Staff Approval: Attach a PDF file with a screenshot of Pam’s email
    • Account Type: Department (E&G acct)
    • Department: CS
    • Vendor 1: (if you are requesting Amazon gift cards)
    • Check Urgent Order? (1-2 days) or Expedite? (2-4 days) or Normal? (5 days)
    • Attach Files: Attach the application form with Pam’s signature
    • Add Account Number: Account number (check Department/Project # in the application form)
    • Estimated Unit Price: Price of a gift card (e.g., $20)
    • Quantity: Quantity of gift cards (e.g., 20)
    • Item Description: Electronic gift cards (if you are requesting electronic gift cards)


Receive Gift Cards


  • After one to two weeks from the submission date, you (or the requester) should receive an email notification from EECS Orders saying that your order has been successfully purchased. Screenshot this email and save it as a PDF file in your Gift Cards folder (use Purchase Order as a filename)
  • After four or five days from the purchase date, you (or the requester) should receive emails from Amazon (if you requested Amazon gift cards) that includes the codes to the gift cards. If you requested 20 gift cards, you will receive 20 individual emails with codes, and so on. Screenshot each email and save them as PDF files in the Codes folder (use gift card code as filename)

Reconciliation Process

Within 30 days of purchase, distribute the gift cards and complete the reconciliation process.

Distribute Gift Cards
  • Send gift card codes to your participants using the Distribution_Email (Word) template
  • To keep track of distributed gift cards, fill out the PCard_Gift_Card_Reconcilation (Excel) log file:
    • Submission Date: Date of the reconciliation submission
    • Prepared By: Pamela Wisniewski
    • Phone: 814-441-0937
    • Vendor Name: (if you are requesting Amazon gift cards)
    • Project Period: Project period based on your study start and end dates in IRB protocol
    • Date Purchased: Purchased date of gift cards (check in the Purchase Order file)
    • Gift Card Number: Code of distributed gift card
    • Distributed to: Full name of the participant who received the gift card
    • Card Issuer: Full name of the person who distributed the gift card
    • Gift Card Amount: Price of the gift card (e.g., $20)
Submit the Reconciliation Form
  • After all gift cards are distributed, fill out the Reconciliation Form 41-997 (PDF) form:
    • Submission Date: Date of the reconciliation submission
    • Prepared By: Pamela Wisniewski
    • Phone: 814-441-0937
    • Vendor Name: (if you are requesting Amazon gift cards)
    • Department/Project #: Account number (check Department/Project # in the application form)
    • Project Period: Project period based on your study start and end dates in IRB protocol
    • Quantity and Dollar Amount: Quantity and price of gift cards (e.g., 20 gift cards and $20 price per gift card)
    • Distributed Quantity and Dollar Amount: Quantity and price of distributed gift cards (e.g., 20 gift cards and $20 price per gift card)
    • Total Amount and (Distributed Card Grand) Total will be automatically calculated (make sure it matches Quantity x Dollar Amount)
  • Send the reconciliation form via email to Pam ( to get her signature/approval
  • Send the signed reconciliation form to RFO (Maureen Landgraf: to get the final signature
  • Send the reconciliation form with all the signatures to PCard ( to complete the reconciliation process
  • Save the signed reconciliation form in the Gift Cards folder for your project