For undergraduate students who are committed to conducting directed research in the STIR Lab or iUX Academy, they may register for 0-3 credit hours with Dr. Wisniewski. Below is the process for how to do this:
Registering for CS 3860
- Make sure that you have passed CS2201 (prerequisite for CS3960)
- Review the registration form to ensure you have all the information for registration
- You may register from one to three credit hours if you want to use the course as an elective and receive a letter grade for your work. The number of credit hours will define your research goals and expectations for the semester.
- Complete the registration form
- Work with your graduate student mentor and Dr. Wisniewski to define your project title and description. Under project description, you will have to add your list of goals (with deadlines) for the semester as decided with your graduate student mentor and Dr. Wisniewski.
- This list will serve as your course contract for what is expected for the semester. Therefore, it is your responsibility to set realistic deadlines.
- Once the form is completed, it will get routed to a) Dr. Wisniewski, b) your academic advisor, and c) Director of Undergraduate Studies in Computer Science. After final approval, you will automatically get registered for CS3860.
- After you are registered, complete the STIR Lab Research Assistant Agreement.
- Sign this agreement and make sure it gets signed by your research mentor and Dr. Wisniewski.
- Save the signed agreement to your student Dropbox folder (created by Dr. Wisniewski).
We are excited to work with you and are looking forward to a productive semester!