How to finish IRB training for non-UCF collaborators

How to finish IRB training for non-UCF collaborators

UCF has specific modules within CITI that must be completed before they can collaborate with UCF Researchers where an IRB approval is needed.

There can be two different scenarios:

  • The collaborator has an existing CITI account and/or has already has completed CITI modules for another institution
  • The collaborator does not have an existing CITI account.

In both cases, External collaborators will need to affiliate with UCF in order to be registered for these modules.

Please take step 1 or 2 to complete affiliation depending on which scenario applies to your case, and then proceed to register to required modules as specified in step 3.

Step 1. Affiliating with UCF when the external collaborator has an existing CITI account
  1. If you already have a CITI account then do not register again.
  2. Access the CITI Program training site:
  3. Login using your existing user name and password
  4. Click on your user name on the upper right corner of the website, select ‘Profiles’
  5. Scroll down to Institutional Profiles, click on ‘Add An Affiliation’
  6. Select University of Central Florida as Organization Affiliation

If you have already completed other CITI training courses, any modules that were completed on behalf of another institution that also appears in the UCF required course will copy over and you will not have to redo it.

If you have not completed all of the required CITI training modules by UCF, please follow the instructions given in step 3.

Step 2. Affiliating with UCF when the external collaborator does not have an existing CITI account

To Create a New CITI Non-UCF Account please follow these instructions: 

  1. You can access the CITI Program training site using the link:
  2. Click Register
  3.  Select University of Central Florida as Organization Affiliation
  4. Continue To Create Your CITI Program Username/Password– When asked for UCF Employee Number, Use NID (non-UCF use Seven Zeros (0000000)– When asked to do so, we urge you to provide a second email address in case messages are blocked or you lose the ability to access the first one. If you forget your username or password, you can recover that information using either email address.
  5. Submit application
  6. Complete the required CITI modules as advised in step 3.


Step 3: Completing the required CITI modules
  1. Click on courses from the main menu
  2. Scroll down to view Institutional Courses, Click on ‘View courses’ next to University of Central Florida
  3. Scroll down, click on ‘Add a course’.
  4. For question select either ‘Human Subjects Research- Group 1. Biomedical Research Investigators and Key Personnel’ Or ‘Human Subjects Research- Group 2.Social / Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel’.
  5. For questions 2-8 select: ‘Not at this time’
  6. Once you have checked all the questions, click submit
  7. Proceed to complete the course.