Recent News

EXCEL Lab Visits in March

EXCEL Lab Visits in March

The STIR Lab is excited to announce the dates on which we will be holding lab visits for UCF's EXCEL students, for STEM Seminar II: Dates: March 17th, March 24th, March 31st Time: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Location: Barbara Ying Center (CMMS), Room 112 During lab visits, Dr. Wisniewski...
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Dr. Wisniewski on Mentorship

Dr. Wisniewski on Mentorship

It's National Mentoring Month and we celebrate Dr. Wisniewski for inspiring and guiding her students to success. She was recently highlighted by UCF for her impact on students: “I want to give as many students as possible the opportunity to do research and something impactful for the world,” Wisniewski says....
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Social Media Panel

Social Media Panel

STIR Lab PhD candidate, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, was invited to participate on a panel at Orlando's 12th Annual Human Trafficking Awareness Day and Film Festival. The panel, titled "Impact of Social Media Addiction - A Trafficker's Playground" discussed common patterns of social media use among children, the role the internet can...
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STIR Lab Undergrads

STIR Lab Undergrads

With the new year properly started, the STIR Lab undergraduate students have all begun their own research projects and are well on their way toward a productive semester! Even with busy schedules, everyone was able to find time for a group photo to start the year off right. Best of...
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New Year’s Resolutions!

New Year’s Resolutions!

After a restful winter break, the STIR lab is back in action for a productive new year! All our PhD students and Dr. Wisniewski have made their New Year's resolutions and are looking forward to launching new studies in the coming weeks. If you are interested in participating in our...
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CHI 2020 Privacy Workshop

CHI 2020 Privacy Workshop

Privacy researchers, come join us at SIGCHI 2020! This is a Call for Participation for the networked privacy workshop in Honolulu, HI, April 26th: "Privacy and Power: Acknowledging the Important of Privacy Research and Design for Vulnerable Populations" The aim of this one-day workshop is to facilitate discourse around alternative...
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GROUP 2020

GROUP 2020

Congratulations to STIR Lab PhD candidates Karla Badillo-Urquiola and Afsaneh Razi, undergraduate student Denielle Abaquita, Dr. Pamela Wisniewski, and their collaborators for having their research presented at the GROUP 2020 conference in Sanibel Island, Florida. Karla Badillo-Urquiola and Afsaneh Razi attending GROUP 2020 Karla Badillo-Urquiola presenting research on "Children's Perspectives...
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ACM Senior Membership

ACM Senior Membership

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski who was recognized as an ACM Senior Member. The Senior Members Grade recognizes those ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience and 5 years of continuous Professional Membership who have demonstrated performance through technical leadership, and technical or professional contributions. Dr. Pamela...
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Privacy Research Network

Privacy Research Network

Congratulations to Drs. Louise Barkhuus (PI) and her Co-PI collaborators Drs. Pamela Wisniewski, Yang Wang, Bart Knijnenburg, Heather Lipford, and Xinru Page on the $44,000 in seed funding from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science in Denmark for "Cultivating A User-Centered Research Network on Managing Digital Security and Privacy from Cross-Cultural...
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CRA Undergrad Award

CRA Undergrad Award

Congratulations to STIR Lab undergraduate student Zaina Aljallad for being recognized as a finalist of the Computing Research Association's (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award for 2020! This year's nominees were a very impressive group. A number of them, including Zaina, were commended for making significant contributions to more than one...
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UXPA Article

UXPA Article

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski and her collaborators on their newly published work in UXPA's User Experience magazine. They speak to practitioners and a general audience to advocate for responsible privacy design within social technologies.  Please check it out below: Page, X. , Wisniewski, P., Knijnenburg, B., and Schiller, J., “Designing...
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4 CHI 2020 Papers

4 CHI 2020 Papers

Congratulations to the STIR Lab members and our collaborators on getting four papers accepted in the CHI 2020 proceedings! CHI is ACM SIGCHI's premiere conference on Human-Computer Interaction. The acceptance rate for the 2020 proceedings was 24.3%. Authors and paper titles are listed below: Accepted CHI 2020 Papers Razi, A.,...
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Reddit Team

Reddit Team

Amy Godfrey (CS undergrad), Maria Lopez (CS undergrad), and Irina Lediaeva (MS Masters student) are working together on a project for a National Science Foundation CHS EAGER grant that examines the impact of viral social media challenges, such as the Blue Whale Challenge, Cinnamon Challenge, and Fire Challenge, on youth...
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Fall Potluck

Fall Potluck

Congratulations to the STIR Lab members for a successful Fall semester! We wish everyone a wonderful and restful winter break. Caption: We need to invest in a selfie stick for the lab.  
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Senior Design Showcase

Senior Design Showcase

Congratulations to STIR Lab undergrads Chris Granholm, Blake Wyatt, and Jonah Yonker for participating in the Fall 2019 Senior Design Showcase. They built an Android mobile app for Community Oversight of Privacy and Security (CO-opS). This app was developed for Dr. Wisniewski's National Science Foundation (NSF) Secure and Trustworthy Computing...
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STIR Lab Upgrades

STIR Lab Upgrades

We're pleased to announce the completion of upgrades to our lab space for the Socio-Technical Interaction Research (STIR) Lab and the industry-focused User Experience (iUX) Academy -- rooms 109 and 112 of the Barbara Ying CMMS Building. Below, you can see some photos of the rooms before and after the...
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HFES Abstract

HFES Abstract

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewki on her co-authorship of an extended abstract, recently published in the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFES) Society Annual Meeting, Volume 63. The abstract, titled "An Investigation on the Portrayal of Blue Whale Challenge on YouTube and Twitter" describes a study which examines...
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Badillo-Urquiola Proposal

Badillo-Urquiola Proposal

Congratulations to STIR Lab Ph.D. Candidate Karla Badillo-Urquiola for successfully defending her dissertation proposal on "A Social Ecological Approach to Empowering Foster Youth to Be Safer Online." Karla did a wonderful job presenting this important work. We are very proud of her! Dr. Pamela Wisniewski (left) and Ms. Karla Badillo-Urquiola (right)...
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