Recent News

Carrillo: Goldwater Scholarship

Carrillo: Goldwater Scholarship

Congratulations to STIR Lab undergraduate student Camila Acevedo Carrillo for receiving the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship. She is featured on the University of Central Florida Colleges & Campus webpage.
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Wisniewski speaks at UWaterloo

Wisniewski speaks at UWaterloo

Dr. Pamela Wisniewski was invited to the University of Waterloo to present her research work on Promoting Adolescent Online Safety and Privacy through Human-Centered Computing.  
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UCF features Badillo

UCF features Badillo

Congratulations to Dr. Karla Badillo for being featured on the UCF Student Life. She is going to join the University of Notre Dame as an Assistant Professor (tenure-track).
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Wisniewski sits on CHI panel

Wisniewski sits on CHI panel

Dr. Pamela Wisniewski participated in a CHI 2022 panel with Dr. Douglas Zytco, Dr. Shion Guha, Dr. Eric Baumer, and Dr. Min Kyung Lee to discuss how participatory design can be applied to AI systems. Participatory Design of AI Systems: Opportunities and Challenges Across Diverse Users, Relationships, and Application Domains...
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MOSafely: SD Semi-Finalist

MOSafely: SD Semi-Finalist

Congratulations to Ashwaq Alsoubai and her MOSafely Senior Design group for being nominated as Semi-Finalist out of 118 Senior Design projects. They created a social media risk detection dashboard that provides users risk assessments of their social media conversations. MOSafely Senior Design Team (from left): Ryan Doherty, Estefania Sanchez, Alex...
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Presentation at CRASSH

Presentation at CRASSH

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski, Ashwaq Alsoubai, Dr. Afsaneh Razi, and Xavier Caddle who presented at the CRASSH Webinar: Children and Artificial Intelligence: risks, opportunities and the future at the University of Cambridge. The title of the presentation was "Youth for a Safer Internet: How Youth can Shape Artificial Intelligence...
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Chandrasekaran defends HUT

Chandrasekaran defends HUT

Congratulations to the STIR Lab undergrad student Ritesh Chandrasekaran for successfully defending his Honors Undergraduate Thesis in Biomedical Sciences. His thesis title is “Differential Workload Levels using Primary and Secondary Tasks in VR.” 
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ODI Scholar’s Showcase

Three STIR Lab students of DIVE program (Discover, Immerse, Visualize, and Excel in STEM program),  Carl Antoine, Taylor Moraguez, and Sebastian Perez, presented their research work at the CECS ODI (Office of Diversity & Inclusion) Scholar's Showcase.   Taylor Moraguez's poster title was "How Adolescents in the Child Welfare System Seek Support Online" and...
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New IJHCS Publication

New IJHCS Publication

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski! Her co-authored journal article titled "The Advantages of Virtual Dogs Over Virtual People: Using Augmented Reality to Provide Social Support in Stressful Situations" got published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS)! In this article, she co-authored with Nahal Norouzi, Kangsoo Kim, Gerd Bruder, Jeremy Beilenson, and...
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Miller awarded SURF 22

Miller awarded SURF 22

Congratulations to  STIR Lab undergrad Zachary Miller who got awarded the 2022 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.  
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Moraguez defends HUT

Moraguez defends HUT

Congratulations to our STIR Lab student Taylor Moraguez for successfully defending her Honors Undergraduate Thesis!  
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Gracie defends MS Thesis

Gracie defends MS Thesis

Congratulations to the STIR Lab MS student Joshua Gracie for successfully defending his Master's Thesis in Computer Science. His thesis title is "Leveraging Human Centered Insight and Vision Transformers To Understand and Detect Online Risks in Teens' Private Social Media Conversations on Instagram". His thesis committee members were Dr. Pamela Wisniewski...
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Santos awarded Judges’ Choice

Santos awarded Judges’ Choice

Congratulations to Carolina Santos on receiving the judges' choice distinction award for presenting poster in the Student Scholar Symposium at UCF, 2022 from among a strong group of Undergraduate presentation in the S.T.E.M category. Carolina is a STIRLab Undergraduate Research Assistant. She presented her interview study titled "Revisiting the Past:...
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Congrats Dr. Karla Badillo!

Congrats Dr. Karla Badillo!

Congratulations to Dr. Karla Badillo-Urquiola on successfully defending her doctoral dissertation entitled, “A Social Ecological Approach to Adolescent Online Safety.” She will be starting a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Notre Dame with a Lucy Fellow affiliation with the Lucy...
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Congrats Dr. Kevin Pfeil!

Congrats Dr. Kevin Pfeil!

Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Patrick Coleman Pfeil who successfully defended his dissertation entitled, “Balancing User Experience for Mobile One-to-One Interpersonal Telepresence.” Kevin will be joining the University of North Florida as a tenure-track assistant professor this fall 2022. We are very proud of Kevin and will miss him!
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Congrats Dr. Afsaneh Razi!

Congrats Dr. Afsaneh Razi!

Congratulations to Dr. Afsaneh Razi who successfully defended her dissertation entitled, “A Human-centered Approach to improving Adolescent Online Sexual Risk Detection Algorithms.” We are very proud of Afsaneh. We wish her the best of luck in her career. We will miss you! Dr. Razi with her Dissertation Committee (Left to...
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Reyna Summer REU Position

Reyna Summer REU Position

Congratulations to Avery Reyna on getting accepted into an REU Site hosted by Columbia University and Cornell Tech. Avery will be researching the intersection of accessibility and AR/VR, assisting on projects that aid disabled people with their interactions in the virtual world. Avery is a fourth-year undergraduate student studying Social...
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Sexting Journal Article Accepted

Sexting Journal Article Accepted

Congratulations Dr. Pamela Wisniewski on getting accepted her co-authored paper in ELSEVIER 2022. All the authors of this article are: Erin Corcoran, Jennifer Doty, Pamela Wisniewski, Joy Gabrielli. The title and abstract of the paper is following : Title: Youth sexting and associations with parental media mediation. Abstract: Purpose:...
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