Recent News

Wisniewski Featured on WIRED

Wisniewski Featured on WIRED

Congratulations Dr. Pamela Wisniewski on being featured in the article titled “Stop Tracking Your Loved Ones” on the WIRED megazine story. This article is about the pitfalls of tracking apps to see your loved ones daily movements. This artilce was published on the WIRED megazine story on March 29. Here,...
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SURE Posters on Research week

SURE Posters on Research week

STIRLab Undergraduate Research Assistants are presenting poster in the Student Scholar Symposium at UCF this coming thursday March 31st. The Student Scholar Symposium provides an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students to present their research and creative scholarship in a poster format to the UCF community during Student Research Week. For additional information see this...
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CHI 2022  Honorable Mention

CHI 2022 Honorable Mention

Congratulations to STIRLab and collaborators from GeorgiaTech and Boston University on receiving Best Paper Honorable Mention for our CHI 2022 paper on understanding the digital lives of youth. The proud authors of this paper are : Shiza Ali, Afsaneh Razi, Kim Seunghyun, Ashwaq Alsoubai, Joshua Gracie, Munmun De Choudhury, Pamela...
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Acevedo Goldwater Scholarship

Acevedo Goldwater Scholarship

Congratulations to Camila Acevedo Carrillo on her getting selected for the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship. Camila Acevedo is an undergraduate student working with STIRLab and mentored by Dr. Pamela Wisniewski. This scholarship is considered the most prestigious undergraduate scholarship in the natural sciences, mathematics, and engineering in America. The University of Central...
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Badillo heading to Notre Dame

Badillo heading to Notre Dame

Congratulations to Karla Badillo-Urquiola (PhD Candidate) for accepting a tenure track Assistant Professor position in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. Karla will be joining Fall 2022 as a fellow of Notre Dame's Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society .
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Wisniewski talk  at Cambridge

Wisniewski talk at Cambridge

Dr. Pamela Wisniewsk gave research talk at the University of Cambridge at their Security Seminar Series as invited speaker this week. Talk Summary: Risk and Resilience: Promoting Privacy, Online Safety, and Empowerment through Human-Centered Computing During her talk, Dr. Wisniewski gave an overview of her on-going grant-funded research that will...
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Akter selected for CRA-WP 2022

Akter selected for CRA-WP 2022

Congratulations to STIR lab student Mamtaj Akter on getting selected as aparticipant in the 2022 CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women in New Orleans on April 21-23. At the Grad Cohort for Women, she will spend two days interacting with about 20 senior female computing-related researchers and professionals, who will share...
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Wisniewski featured on PEGASUS

Wisniewski featured on PEGASUS

Congratulations Dr. Pamela Wisniewski on being featured in the article titled "We’re Here to End This" on the UCF magazine - PEGASUS, Spring 22. This article is about how to end domestic violence and who will help to break the cycle. The author featured all the UCF faculties who work...
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STIRLab at MozFest 2022

STIRLab at MozFest 2022

We had presented at MozFest 2022 where we launched our MozSafely community. Modus Operandi Safely ( is an open-source community that leverages evidence-based research, data, and Artificial Intelligence to help youth engage more safely online. is a result of a funded research project led by Drs. Pamela Wisniewski (PI)...
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Socio-Technical  Privacy Book

Socio-Technical Privacy Book

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski on publishing her co-edited book "Modern Socio-Technical Perspectives on Privacy" with an awesome lineup of authors. This book provides a foundational understanding of technical and social aspects related to online privacy and covers modern application areas as well as underexplored issues (e.g., privacy accessibility, cross-cultural...
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Badillo CHI Demo Accepted

Badillo CHI Demo Accepted

Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Karla Badillo-Urquiola on getting her CHI demo accepted in CHI 2022 conference. The title of the demo is - “30 Days:” An EMA Diary Mobile App & Web Tool. This is year CHI 2022 is structured as a Hybrid-Onsite full conference from April 30–May 5 in...
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CHI Panel Accepted

CHI Panel Accepted

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski on her CHI panel acceptance. The title of the panel is - "Participatory Design of AI Systems: Opportunities and Challenges Across Diverse Users, Relationships, and Application Domains". The moderator and panelists are Douglas Zytko (Moderator), Pamela Wisniewski (Panelist), Shion Guha (Panelist), Eric P.S. Baumer (Panelist),...
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4 CHI Papers Accepted

4 CHI Papers Accepted

Four CHI Papers Accepted Congratulations to the STIR Lab and their collaborators for having four CHI 2022 papers accepted. Below are the paper titles, co-authors, and abstracts of the accepted papers. We hope to see you in New Orleans (or virtually) this year! Understanding the Digital Lives of Youth: Analyzing...
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Razi Research Talks

Razi Research Talks

Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Afsaneh Razi on multiple invited research presentations this semester. Afsaneh gave research talks at Drexel University, James Madison University, University of Cincinnati, University of San Diego, San Diego State University, Stetson University, and Florida Polytechnic University. Afsaneh discussed her dissertation work around the challenges to train...
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Agha Meta Fellowship Finalist

Agha Meta Fellowship Finalist

Congratulations to STIR lab student Zainab Agha on being selected as a finalist of the Meta Research Fellowship 2022 for Privacy and Data Use. This year, Meta Research Fellowship received over 2,300 applications from over 100 universities worldwide. Zainab is a third year Ph.D. student in Computer Science, pursuing research...
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Badillo Virginia Tech Talk

Badillo Virginia Tech Talk

Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Karla Badillo-Urquiola on giving a talk about her online safety research at Virginia Tech University last week! Karla discussed the challenges foster parents encounter trying to mediate their foster teens’ technology use in the home, as well as heuristics for conducting risky research with teens. She...
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CHI 2022 Case Studies

CHI 2022 Case Studies

Congratulations to Dr. Wisniewski, her students, and their collaborators for publishing 2 case study papers at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2022. The STIR Lab is proud of students Afsaneh Razi (Ph.D. Candidate), Ashwaq Alsoubai (Ph.D. Candidate), Zainab Agha (Ph.D. Student), Nurun Naher (Ph.D. Student), Oluwatomisin...
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Akter Passes Qualifying Review

Akter Passes Qualifying Review

Congratulations to STIR lab student Mamtaj Akter on passing her Qualifying Review (QR) for Ph.D. in Computer Science this Fall! The Qualifying Review is the first milestone in the Ph.D. program in which the Graduate Committee evaluates the research and coursework progress of the student. Mamtaj continues to work on...
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