Now Recruiting Participants

Recruiting Informal Family Caregivers and Their Loved Ones

We are conducting a study to gain a better understanding about tele-monitoring between two family members (a caregiver and caregivee). For at least 48 hours, the caregivee (individual receiving care) will wear a Fitbit and live their daily lives, while the caregiver downloads an app on their smartphone to check up on their loved one. Each participant will be given a $15 gift card for their time ($30 per pair).

Who Can Participate?

  • Caregivees are typically individuals of older age (50+) that may need occasional assistance but live independently.
  • Caregivers must be at least 18 years of age, related to their respective caregivee, and be an Android or iPhone user.

How can I sign up?

If you and your loved one are interested in participating, please fill out the following survey and a researcher will reach out to you:

If you have any questions about this study, please contact Karla at

Now Recruiting Participants