Afsaneh Razi UCF Highlight

Congratulations to STIR Lab Ph.D. student Afsaneh Razi on being featured in a UCF news article as part of a series on Stories of Impact+Innovation. The article highlights Afsaneh’s work at the intersection of human-computer interaction and machine learning.

“Teens encounter online sexual solicitations quite often,” says Razi. “With my research and background in computer science I can help detect these risky interactions and develop interventions to improve their online safety.”

Afsaneh plans to present her work at Student Research Week March 30th-April 3rd. We hope to see you there!

To read the full article, please click here: Student Research: Working to Mitigate Sexual Dangers for Teens Online


Afsaneh Razi, Ph.D. Candidate

Afsaneh Razi UCF Highlight