CSCW 2020 Position Papers

The STIR Lab recently attended 2 workshops at CSCW 2020, and had position papers accepted to both as part of the conference. Congratulations to the STIR Lab students and Dr. Wisniewski!

The paper citations and abstracts are listed below:

  • Agha, Z., Badillo-Urquoila, K. Chatlani, N., Alsoubai, A., Wisniewski, P.,  (2020) “Socially Responsible Computing in Adolescent Online Safety” Extended Abstract presented at the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Workshop on Collective Organizing and Social Responsibility, (CSCW 2020).

Abstract: There is still much to be done to protect all teens from online risks and increase their opportunities to engage safely with others online, but it is important to not forget the needs of particularly vulnerable and “at-risk” youth when we embark on such endeavors. We discuss some of the challenges related to ensuring inclusivity and equity when conducting adolescent online safety research and attempting to design solutions that meet the needs of teens,especially those who benefit most from technology access but cannot rely on parents to keep them safe online.Our goal in attending this workshop is to address challenges in conducting socially responsible adolescent online safety research and ensuring inclusivity, as well as agencyfor teens, in our participatory design practices


  • Badillo-Urquiola, Agha, Z., Akter, K., Wisniewski, P., (2020) “Towards Assets-Based Approaches for Adolescent Online Safety” Extended Abstract presented at the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Workshop on Operationalizing an Assets-Based Design of Technology, (CSCW 2020).

Abstract: Our limited knowledge about what teens do online and inability to protect them from harm evokes a sense of fear that makes usprone to “risk discourse.”However, this mindset overshadowsthe potential benefits of youth engaging online and constrains our ability to design online safety mechanisms that are developmentally appropriate for empowering adolescents tobecome resilientto risks.Ourgoal in attending this workshop is to find actionable ways to incorporate new asset-basedpractices thatprioritizeteens’ strengths and capacitiesto improve adolescent online safety

CSCW 2020 Position Papers