Congratulations to STIR Lab Ph.D. candidate Afsaneh Razi, who recently began a summer internship with Mozilla Research. Afsaneh will be working in Mozilla’s Voice Consumer Products team, which is part of the Emerging Technologies R&D division. She will be working on Firefox Voice, where she will utilize her background and expertise in Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, and Online Privacy in a industry-focused research and development setting. This internship is sponsored by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) new INTERN program ($55,000, Award #2028094), which is a supplemental funding to Dr. Wisniewski’s NSF Partnerships for Innovation Award #1827700.
We wish Afsaneh the best of luck as she begins her work for the summer!
To read more about Afsaneh’s work within the STIR Lab, check out her UCF highlight from last semester: Student Research: Working to Mitigate Sexual Dangers for Teens Online