Recent News

Children and Screens Webinar

Children and Screens Webinar

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski on contributing to an article for the Children and Screens newsletter, about balancing the use of parental controls, monitoring apps and media plans to support healthy digital media use within families. The article is linked below: Additionally, along with other experts, Dr. Wisniewski participated...
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Wisniewski Research Award

Wisniewski Research Award

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski on receiving the College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) Excellence in Research Award at the Assistant Professor level. The college awarded Dr. Wisniewski for her outstanding contributions in research and commitment to excellence in scholarly and creative activities. Dr. Wisniewski will receive a certificate from College of...
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2021 SURE Posters

2021 SURE Posters

This year the STIR Lab is proud to have multiple students participating in the Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence (SURE). Each student is assigned to create a poster that displays research and information pertaining to their field of interest. This year we have the following posters along with its students:...
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Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski who was honored by UCF Faculty Excellence for Women's History Month for her impact on campus and in the community. Being a mentor and advisor for eight PhD students and over thirty undergraduate students, including women and minorities, Dr. Wisniewski was recognized for her dedication to...
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Rutkowski Defends Thesis

Rutkowski Defends Thesis

Congratulations to STIR Lab student Tara Rutkowski on successfully defending her Honors Undergraduate Thesis! Tara’s thesis, titled “Family Communication: Examining the Differing Perceptions of Parents and Teens Regarding Online Safety Communication” presents a statistical analysis discovering what factors impact a teen’s and parent’s views on family communication on online safety...
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Congrats to Irina on her new job!

Congrats to Irina on her new job!

Congratulations to STIR Lab graduate and alumnus Irina Lediaeva on starting a new job as a User Experience Researcher at! is a Norwegian company that empowers people to do the work they love, while maximizing their potential by matching them to roles based on their skills and experience. Reflecting...
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Welcome Undergrad Researchers

Welcome Undergrad Researchers

The STIR Lab is happy to announce the joining of 33 new and returning undergraduate and 2 Masters students in Spring 2021 who will be actively participating in several ongoing adolescent online safety research at the lab. The following undergrads will be mentored by and work with PhD students and...
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Wisniewski IT Associate Chair

Wisniewski IT Associate Chair

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski for taking on the post of Associate Chair of the Information Technology program at UCF. Dr. Wisniewski brings her work experience and academic training to the IT degree program, which seeks to prepare graduates for understating the technology underlying the data revolution and learning the...
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Wisniewski Podcast Feature

Wisniewski Podcast Feature

Dr. Wisniewski was recently featured on an episode of "The Philosophy of Now" podcast, created by ROOTS Media, which centers around conversations with thought leaders and innovators to learn about the journeys in their respective fields and what their philosophy in life is. Dr. Wisniewski discusses the path that lead...
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Agha Passes CS Review

Agha Passes CS Review

Congratulations to STIR lab student Zainab Agha on passing her Qualifying Review (QR) for PhD in Computer Science this Fall. The Qualifying Review is an important milestone in the PhD program in which the Graduate Committee evaluates the research and coursework progress of the student in the 3rd semester. Zainab...
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Davis Defends Thesis

Davis Defends Thesis

Congratulations to STIR Lab student Arianna Davis on successfully defending her Honors Undergraduate Thesis! Arianna's thesis, titled "Co-designing "Teenovate": An Intergenerational Online Safety Team", presents the results of a study conducted with teenagers to design a long-term participatory design program where teens and researchers would work together to co-design online...
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Abaquita Defends Thesis

Abaquita Defends Thesis

Congratulations to STIR Lab student Denielle Abaquita on successfully defending his Honors Undergraduate Thesis! Denielle's thesis, titled "Understanding the Challenges Child Welfare Workers Encounter Related to the Online Safety of Foster Youth", delves into how foster care case managers work with the challenges of online safety related to adolescents in...
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Abaquita Facebook Internship

Abaquita Facebook Internship

Congratulations to STIR Lab undergraduate student Denielle Abaquita on accepting a Summer 2021 internship at Facebook! This 12 week internship will see Denielle working on projects or features for one of Facebook's main products. Excited for next year, Denielle had this to share:   "On my birthday, I received the...
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Farewell, Heidi!

Farewell, Heidi!

As the Fall semester begins to wrap up, the STIR Lab must unfortunately say goodbye to one of our best, Dr. Heidi Hartikainen. Heidi will be ending her postdoc with Dr. Wisniewski and will return Finland, to pursue a new project with the University of Oulu. This new project, Make4Change,...
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ACM FCA Initiative

ACM FCA Initiative

Dr. Wisniewski and other members of the ACM FCA (Future of Computing Academy) recently published the early results of an online survey which asked early-career computing professionals about their experiences with many aspects of remote work, such as productivity, mental health, well-being, privacy, security, usability, accessibility, diversity, and inclusivity, as...
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UCF EID Task Force

UCF EID Task Force

The UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science has established a new Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Task Force, whose mission will be to "identify and implement actionable strategies to transform the culture of CECS into one that celebrates equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as promoting the success of under-represented...
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CSCW 2020 Accepted Papers

CSCW 2020 Accepted Papers

Congratulations to our STIR Lab authors on the acceptance of 2 full papers to the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Workshop on Collective Organizing and Social Responsibility (CSCW 2020)! Citations and Abstracts for the accepted papers are listed below: Badillo-Urquiola, K., Shea, Z., Agha, Z., Lediaeva, I., Wisniewski, P., (2020) “Conducting...
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CSCW 2020 Position Papers

CSCW 2020 Position Papers

The STIR Lab recently attended 2 workshops at CSCW 2020, and had position papers accepted to both as part of the conference. Congratulations to the STIR Lab students and Dr. Wisniewski! The paper citations and abstracts are listed below: Agha, Z., Badillo-Urquoila, K. Chatlani, N., Alsoubai, A., Wisniewski, P.,  (2020) “Socially...
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